Oh wait. I was one. Or I should say my dh was one for 2 days this past week.
I got a call from dh and he told me to pack our bags because we were leaving town. Of course my first question was "where are we going?" I was suppose to guess. Hmmmm. Elko, Meeker, 4 Corners??? Finally he said we were heading to Minnesota to pick up a sewer truck. Oh. Is it new? Please tell me it is new. Yes. It is new. Nice and shiney.....and clean. Very important, that word clean. If you don't know what a sewer truck is, well, just imagine a truck that can pump out all unknown matter to man from a sewer. Actually this truck is for port-a-potties. Yeah. I know. Yucky! And I was going to be in this truck for however long it took to get to Colorado to drop it off at one of our offices. Can you imagine how thrilled I was?!
Here's some pics from our quick trip. I knew I needed (wanted) to be back by Friday to head to the cabin so we booked it coming home. I could have driven the truck since it was an automatic but dh did it all by himself. This is a man who says he hates to drive and always wants me to be in the driver's seat. I think he was having a good ol' time.
Just to show you we really made it!
THE TRUCK--you can't tell very well but I had to climb up a couple of steps to haul my body in there. It's as tall as a semi.
Famous Dave's Restaurant--we love BBQ!
Mall of America
In the center of MoA are lots of rides to go on--the kids loved it when we were here before.
Couldn't get lost in this parking lot, even if we wanted to!
Clear Lake, Iowa. Cute town and I wish it wasn't in the middle of nothing so I could go back there again. This is the view outside our hotel balcony. For you trivia folks, this is where Buddy Holly, Ritchie Valens, J.P. "Big Bopper" Richardson played their last concert and then took off in a plane that crashed outside the town killing all of them. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Day_the_Music_Died
Saw this car driving down the interstate. Yes it really is filled with frogs!
Elk Horn, Iowa--yea a quilt shop!
I want to make something quick and simple in flannel for the cabin so I bought this quilt kit.
Elk Horn is a dutch town and here is a windmill to prove it!
Stopped to see the kids in Colorado before dropping off the truck.
What a quick trip we had but it was fun to get away for a few days.