Sunday, February 12, 2012


I've been busy!

I LOVE FABRIC!  Oh yes!  I thoroughly enjoy visiting fabric stores and petting all the fabric but....because of that love, my fabric stash at home was getting a little bit (okay...alot) out of hand.  When I saw fabric in a store that caught my eye, I usually would buy a bit to take home for those "future projects".

My cupboards were getting a bit reckless!  I usually stacked like fabrics together or fabrics from the same line all together and tied them up with a cloth ribbon.  It worked fine until I would pull something out to use and then somehow it never got put back nicely in the same spot.  This is how messy it was becoming when I finally decided to do something about it.

I now can't remember where I first saw this idea of how to wrap your fabric.  But you can google "comic board fabric wrap", then click on "images" to see other pics of the same idea.  It's very easy and a very efficient way of storing your fabric.  I can now see ALL the fabric I have instead of pretending to know what is in that cupboard!

I bought my comic book backing boards off of  The size I bought were 7 1/2" x 10 1/2".  I ran out of boards and had to order some more and found that size was harder to come by the second time around.  I ended up not buying the same brand but it really did not make a difference.  To wrap the fabric, I just folded it in half length-wise and then placed the board on one end of the fabric and wrapped it up.  To secure the fabric, I used old straight pins.  

Here is a picture right after I finished wrapping most of the fabric.  I still could not bring myself to switch from fabric lines to just colors.  I left it like this for a few days and just looked at how pretty it was.

Finally I gave myself permission to sort the fabric into colorways.  Doesn't it look better?  I do miss not knowing exactly which fabric went together with a certain designer.  But I know that this way of sorting will make pulling fabric to use in my future quilts so much easier!  Isn't it beautiful?!  It makes me want to sew!

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Sunday, February 5, 2012

Almost forgot to show!

Here is Janessa's take on our "watermelon" blocks.  She made her blocks into a Ladybug quilt!  I think it turned out darling and can hardly wait to see it quilted.

Friday, January 27, 2012

Almost done!

Now to decide if I keep going around with a black border or just stop and wait for binding.  

To make the quilt, I modified a Circle of Nine setting with my BOM blocks.  I will put the 3 extra blocks on the back of the quilt.

Way back when...a whole year ago...when I first heard the LQS ladies calling this a watermelon quilt (because of the red and green colorway) at our January meeting, I knew I had to incorporate some of the design I saw from a quilt in Fons and Porter's Love of Quilting magazine.   The issue is May/June 2010 and the inspiration quilt in found on page 18 of that issue.  It's called Watermelon and Shoofly by Tammy Johnson.  I quickly made several watermelon blocks from the inspiration quilt and they have been waiting patiently to somehow make their way into my own quilt.  A few months ago, I watched a demonstration on how to make a Circle of Nine quilt.  I knew that my watermelon blocks would work perfectly with some modification on my part.  I added the ants and crows onto the corner blocks just because.

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Wednesday, January 25, 2012

My Watermelon Quilt

This is what is on my design wall today.  Trying to figure out how to put my BOM all together.  The blocks are the 2011's BOM from our LQS.  Will talk about it all later once I get it sewn together.  I'm pulling from everywhere to make this into a quilt.  Hope it comes together like I envision!

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Sunday, January 22, 2012

One Down and One To Go!

Finished one BOM from our LQS a few days ago.  Now trying to get my mind and body in gear to finish the 2nd one (different from this one).  This one is called "It's a Wonderful Life" designed by our local quilt designer Geralyn Powers.  She is so creative!  It was always fun to attend the Saturday Sampler each month during the year to see what the next block would look like.  I think I only missed one Saturday out of the year so this quilt only cost me $12 to make, excluding sashing and border fabric.  You pay for the first block in January and then your next block is free if you bring it back the next month finished.  If you miss a meeting, you also have to pay for the next block.  Not too bad!

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Let it Snow!

Winter has still not come to Wyoming.  We are hoping for some good storms in the next few days.  I'm afraid no snow now means we will have our Winter in Spring and then our Summer will be cold....once again.  Having no snow does not mean we don't have the cold temperatures though!  High today in the 20's with nights below zero.  Wind is already blowing hard so the temp won't even feel in the 20's today.

Here's a lil' quilt I made a couple of months ago but haven't shown.  I let it sit in the closet for a year before finishing it.  It's a cute little tabletopper but a new quilter showed her over zealous handiwork and went to town on it.  I guess since I hadn't already put the buttons on for the eyes, she figured she would help me finish the snowmen.  LOL!  I think of them as wearing goggles now, waiting for the next big storm!  :)

Friday, December 16, 2011


My daughter is a secretive one, that's for sure!  She called me the other day and asked if I had any mod podge.  Of course I do....that stuff seems to multiply in the bottle!  I can't seem to find enough projects to use it all up.  While she was picking up the bottle, being the curious mom that I am, I asked what she was doing with it....she said I would have to wait and see.  

So now we all know the name of the newest addition coming in April!  Janessa cut all the wood by herself then painted each block black.  She then mod podged each letter onto the blocks.  She found the letters on flickr.  Some guy likes to take pictures of the alphabet so you can find any kind of letter you need.  

Little Kinsley has a pretty special mommy!

Kinsley's baby quilt is coming right along.  One more border to go with some appliqued wording on it and then it is finished.  Janessa has done a great job!  Reminds me that I need to start thinking of what kind of baby quilt I want to make for this baby.