Monday, June 16, 2008

My Missionary

I was going to keep this blog only on my quilting adventures but for the last couple of months I have slowed down....way down on sewing anything besides a button on a shirt! Since I haven't been quilting, I also haven't been keeping up on my blog. Today though I am changing youngest son is in the air right now flying to Nashville to serve a LDS mission for 2 years. I just had to share a picture of him! Girl's Camp is also this week. Starting tomorrow I will plaster a smile on my face and take charge of 8 teenage girls. I am not a camper. No other words to describe it. Yesterday I found out that the tents we were suppose to use are moldy. My assistant is scrambling to get new tents for us today. I have lots of last minute prep work to do but at least I know that by Friday afternoon, camp will be over and I can then concentrate on things I do like to quilt!


Laura said...

Sending prayers for your son and for mom!

Corrine said...

cute missionary!

you should blog about other stuff too :)

hope camp wasn't too bad!

Anonymous said...

I found your blog through another sister in our ward. Just thought I'd let you know your son is alive and well! We love him here. He'll be a great missionary. And I can empathize about camp...I just got back yesterday!
Sister Lasson in TN