Sunday, May 31, 2009
Mad Hatter Tea Cup Swap
I finally started my blocks for the Pat Sloan Alice in Wonderland Tea Cup swap. Only due this week. Here is a preview of my blocks...I still have to applique and have to decide if I want to add the tea bag. It's cute, but I don't drink tea so not sure I want it. I'll probably add it though since the other blocks I have seen have some cute sayings on the tea bag. My daughter is making another set to swap so hopefully we will have some cute blocks sent back to us. We were told to use bright and funky fabric....hope these work!!!

Saturday, May 30, 2009
Since I talked about my trying to have a garden this year, I thought I would show you what it looks like so far. Today we have been setting up the soaker hoses in each box. It's all going to be trial and error...we really have no idea what we are doing...but it is kind of fun. My goals are small....just to get a few veggies out of it and I will be happy.
Look what we got today! 2 puppies! Just as cute as can be.......until they wanted to sit in the garden boxes.....
Just kidding kids...they really aren't ours...it's deja vue from when we found the Great Pyrenees on our property in BP.
Look what we got today! 2 puppies! Just as cute as can be.......until they wanted to sit in the garden boxes.....
Just kidding kids...they really aren't ours...it's deja vue from when we found the Great Pyrenees on our property in BP.

Friday, May 22, 2009
Not much going on here......
I haven't taken many pictures lately. Seems that since the warmer weather has begun, I have been outside. This year I am going to try my hand at having a vegetable garden. I have tried to grow a few things over the years but never really had a real garden. Seems we have always lived in places where the soil is horrible or the growing season is terrible or something is so wrong that other people suggest we don't even try. Well, now I live somewhere that you can grow stuff! Not sure how it will all end up but I am excited!
I do have this picture though. Remember how I said not to look at my red rug in my old dining/new reading room? Well, we found this one at Home Depot and I took pics to see if I liked it. Too bad I don't know how to photoshop it into my room in place of the red rug so I could really see how it would look. I haven't ordered it yet....have been slow in making a decision. What do you think...too much? (I am thinking of the black one, not the red or beige that are off to the side)

No word yet on when my black/white/30's quilt will be done. I went into the shop yesterday and they still haven't started it. Haven't been sewing except for BOM's but I signed up to play in Pat Sloan's tea cup swap. I don't drink tea but I have been in several of her swaps before and they have been good quality so I am excited about this one. I actually found vintage type Alice in Wonderland blocks that I hope to incorporate into the quilt, if the blocks aren't too crazy. So excited!
I do have this picture though. Remember how I said not to look at my red rug in my old dining/new reading room? Well, we found this one at Home Depot and I took pics to see if I liked it. Too bad I don't know how to photoshop it into my room in place of the red rug so I could really see how it would look. I haven't ordered it yet....have been slow in making a decision. What do you think...too much? (I am thinking of the black one, not the red or beige that are off to the side)
No word yet on when my black/white/30's quilt will be done. I went into the shop yesterday and they still haven't started it. Haven't been sewing except for BOM's but I signed up to play in Pat Sloan's tea cup swap. I don't drink tea but I have been in several of her swaps before and they have been good quality so I am excited about this one. I actually found vintage type Alice in Wonderland blocks that I hope to incorporate into the quilt, if the blocks aren't too crazy. So excited!

Sunday, May 10, 2009
Black/white and 30's
Here's the finished top I have been madly making. I have to say I really enjoyed sewing this one together. I loved all the fabric. The colors from the 30's and then the contrast with the black/white fabric really made it different for me. Wish the colors had come out better in the picture. I like to take pictures outside but the day I took this one the wind was already blowing hard so I tried to lay it out on the floor. Not the best way to show off a quilt. The quilt is in the hands of the quilter now so its on to the next project........

I use to have a dining room
Not anymore. I have had a dining room in all the houses we have lived in but you know how many times we used them? Not many. We just aren't formal people. I tried though. We took the old table and chairs to the cabin and then looked for a new set at the stores. I just couldn't find anything that I fell in love with. I kept trying to think of what I would like in that area if I didn't have a dining room there. The Honey and I finally found this piece of furniture. It fits so well with our high ceilings. Then I had to find a couch/love seat/chairs....came up with this.
Don't look at the rug. Just pretend it isn't there. In our old house I had a red room. This house I went with different colors so it has been rolled up and stored away. I am only using it to see if I like the size and am now too lazy to roll it back up and put it away.
And aren't these flowers darling? I love them. I knew they were from a child of mine but didn't know which one until today. Have to share them with him so he can see what they look out.
If you celebrate Mother's Day, I hope you had a beautiful day! Mine was wonderful. I was able to talk to my faraway children...even my missionary...all at once this afternoon. It was a very fun phone call!
Don't look at the rug. Just pretend it isn't there. In our old house I had a red room. This house I went with different colors so it has been rolled up and stored away. I am only using it to see if I like the size and am now too lazy to roll it back up and put it away.
And aren't these flowers darling? I love them. I knew they were from a child of mine but didn't know which one until today. Have to share them with him so he can see what they look out.
If you celebrate Mother's Day, I hope you had a beautiful day! Mine was wonderful. I was able to talk to my faraway children...even my missionary...all at once this afternoon. It was a very fun phone call!

Monday, May 4, 2009
Sunday, May 3, 2009
Moose Jaw, SK
I have to admit that I did a bit of googling before we left for Canada. With the boys at a conference all day, for several days, us girls were going to "have" to shop and tour. One of the closer towns to Regina is called Moose Jaw so I looked it up online and found out that it was going to be my kind of town! Just a quaint, cute place.....with quilt shops included! They were even having a quilt show on the day we were there but I knew no one except me would be interested so we took a tour of some underground tunnels they have in the downtown area. The story is that Al Capone, the famous gangster, may have hidden out there at times.
This stands in front of the visitor center of Moose Jaw.
Darling daughter took this pic....I wanted one to show the whole board----it is all the flavors this resaurant had of wings or chicken strips. Plenty to choose from! Their shake board was filled with just as many flavors! Have you ever tried a lime shake? Me neither. I stuck with good ol' chocolate.
Loved their downtown area! I should have taken more pics of all the murals that were downtown. Here are just a couple:
Next....what I found at the quilt shops........you knew I had to have bought something, whether I needed it or not.
This stands in front of the visitor center of Moose Jaw.
Darling daughter took this pic....I wanted one to show the whole board----it is all the flavors this resaurant had of wings or chicken strips. Plenty to choose from! Their shake board was filled with just as many flavors! Have you ever tried a lime shake? Me neither. I stuck with good ol' chocolate.
Loved their downtown area! I should have taken more pics of all the murals that were downtown. Here are just a couple:
Next....what I found at the quilt shops........you knew I had to have bought something, whether I needed it or not.

Away on Business....
Have had a couple of busy weeks traveling with the Honey on his business trips. Our first trip just happened to coincide with the big Spring Snow Storm in Denver. Where I live, the snow falls horizontally. It was pretty seeing it come down in a straight fall. And fall it did....for 4 days! By the time it was done snowing, we had about a foot of snow around us! The most interesting thing about the storm was that when we left to drive home, we had alot of snow. When we got to downtown Denver, there was nothing. The drive between the two places was about 15 minutes. Such an odd storm. Here's some pics while we were with our kids:
This past week was spent in Canada. I finally have a passport so I hope to be able to use it more than just this trip!
Not all grocery stores were like this one where you had to pay to get a shopping cart but I had to take a picture. I'm afraid I wouldn't be able to shop there much since I never have money in my purse. I wouldn't ever be able to get a cart!
Been awhile since I have seen a new car so I was intrigued with the gear shift being on the dash and the keyless key to start your car with!
My daughter recently found out she is allergic to soy so she was VERY happy to find this ice cream shop with all natural products. We had to go there more than once since she finds it hard to eat out in restaurants since soy is in almost all packaged foods.
All I can say is that I was happy no one was around......
Regina is the home to the Royal Canadian Mounted Police Academy. It was interesting to visit the museum but I'm still not sure if they are like our highway patrol, regular policemen or if they are deputies/sheriffs. Of course I didn't think to ask until we left the museum.
While waiting for a movie one night, we decided to go bowling. My goodness! The game has really changed or this is a new Canadian version! You only bowl 5 pins. It is not as easy as you might think! Very hard to hold a small ball and let it go at just the right time.
Customs. This was to get into the country. Getting out was a different story. I didn't know that one child had put his trinkets in my carryon. Of course I got searched. Heaven forbid you try to help the baggage security guy. If I had known what he was looking for, I might have been able to point him in the right direction in my suitcase without him taking everything out. I was so afraid he was going to have to go through my dirty laundry. Finally he found the culprit. What he thought was scissors, turned out to be a key ring. Of course my daughter was behind me having her own bag searched---they finally decided it was her makeup letting off the wrong signal. My son's bag was also searched. Dear Honey was patted down. The only one that got away was sil who checked his bag. When we entered Minneapolis, we all breezed through security.......no commment.
Next post I will show Moose Jaw....isn't that the best name ever for a town?!
This past week was spent in Canada. I finally have a passport so I hope to be able to use it more than just this trip!
Not all grocery stores were like this one where you had to pay to get a shopping cart but I had to take a picture. I'm afraid I wouldn't be able to shop there much since I never have money in my purse. I wouldn't ever be able to get a cart!
Been awhile since I have seen a new car so I was intrigued with the gear shift being on the dash and the keyless key to start your car with!
My daughter recently found out she is allergic to soy so she was VERY happy to find this ice cream shop with all natural products. We had to go there more than once since she finds it hard to eat out in restaurants since soy is in almost all packaged foods.
All I can say is that I was happy no one was around......
Regina is the home to the Royal Canadian Mounted Police Academy. It was interesting to visit the museum but I'm still not sure if they are like our highway patrol, regular policemen or if they are deputies/sheriffs. Of course I didn't think to ask until we left the museum.
While waiting for a movie one night, we decided to go bowling. My goodness! The game has really changed or this is a new Canadian version! You only bowl 5 pins. It is not as easy as you might think! Very hard to hold a small ball and let it go at just the right time.
Customs. This was to get into the country. Getting out was a different story. I didn't know that one child had put his trinkets in my carryon. Of course I got searched. Heaven forbid you try to help the baggage security guy. If I had known what he was looking for, I might have been able to point him in the right direction in my suitcase without him taking everything out. I was so afraid he was going to have to go through my dirty laundry. Finally he found the culprit. What he thought was scissors, turned out to be a key ring. Of course my daughter was behind me having her own bag searched---they finally decided it was her makeup letting off the wrong signal. My son's bag was also searched. Dear Honey was patted down. The only one that got away was sil who checked his bag. When we entered Minneapolis, we all breezed through security.......no commment.
Next post I will show Moose Jaw....isn't that the best name ever for a town?!

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