My finger still hurts from when I sewed it last week. Looking back, I probably should have gotten stitches so the cut would have closed properly and maybe not hurt as long as it has. With it being my index finger, it has been hard to sit at the sewing machine and sew much of anything.
I put this quilt off as long as I could so my finger could heal some more but finally yesterday I knew I really had to get going on it. I am using the same quilter that did Lil' Man's quilt and I need to get this quilt over there so I don't lose my place in line.
Red Rooster in Logan does a wonderful job at quilting but they don't schedule you on a calendar. They put your info on a hanger and just hang it up and every day the hanger works its way to the front of the line. I put my hanger on the rack about 5 weeks ago.
So knowing I had my hanger moving forward, I couldn't decide what kind of quilt to make for this lil' guy that is coming into the world around Thanksgiving time. I have been intrigued with the disappearing 9-patch for awhile though so decided this was the time to make one. I don't always like making 9-patches though. Seems like some days all the seams match up and then other days I will have a mess on my hands. Thank goodness working on this quilt went smoothly. I will definitely make one of these again. Maybe a crooked one next time that I saw online.
You don't need to follow a pattern. Just cut your squares to whatever size you want them to be. Start sewing your squares in a row.

Here is one of my finished 9-patches. With this being a baby quilt, it didn't take long to get them all made.

I use this alot while I am sizing my squares. So much easier than trying to clean the mat with your hand.

Now the fun part of cutting the 9-patch into 4ths. Then you rearrange your new blocks however you want.

This is how I put my blocks back together.

For the last several days I have been craving French Onion Soup. I have an abundance of onions in my garden so I pulled several in the a.m., went onto the internet to find a recipe since I have never made this before, and then let it cook all day as I sewed. Oh my!!!! It was perfect and yummy! I'm sure it was better than usual since I was using my own onions in it. I felt like a proud mamma when I took my first taste.

And here is the finished top! Sometimes pieces just go together and boy! was I happy about that! My brain does not like math and I haven't figured out how to use the quilter's calculator yet so I wasn't too sure how to make my border come together correctly. I started at 3 1/2" but then I just felt I needed to change to 3 1/4". Boy! am I glad I listened to that voice in my head. It came out perfect! Yes. I am patting myself on the back. LOL!

Now to get the backing ready and off to the quilters it goes! I can hardly wait to snuggle the Little Prince in it. It is so exciting to have 2 grandbabies coming this year!