Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Trying again......Kari Ramsay of Fresh Cut Quilts

I know I haven't blogged for awhile but thought I remembered how to do it! Something is going on with blogger vs picasa vs me......I did find out I am not the only one who can't get pics to show I am uploading a different way and hope you can now see everything. Frustrating just because the post looks right and then pics we go again!

Our LQS hosted a Fresh Cut Quilts trunk show last week. The designer behind the patterns is Kari Ramsay from Utah. She has a new book out called Tidbits from Triangles and brought the quilts from her book to show us. It is always so much better to see a quilt in person than in a picture. She also gave a presentation from her book on how to make easy half square triangles.

I loved these colors together! Maybe because I am hoping we will see a Spring in my neck of the woods!

This quilt is a free pattern on the Henry Glass website. It features Kari's new line of fabric. The pattern is called Tidbits.

The quilt on the cover of Kari's book.

My favorite! I bought this pattern when it first to make it!
All in all it was a fun night out with the girls!

Monday, February 14, 2011

Happy Valentine's Day!

Spent the weekend here.......


The Honey loves his flag! He always puts it out when we are "home" at the cabin....along with the "Y" flag.

33 years ago on this day, I was dating "The Honey". For that Valentine's day, I found a bakery in Utah that would make a cake in the shape of lips. Believe me....Honey was surprised with his gift that day! Now the Honey gives me a lip cake every so often for Valentine's Day. It is a fun way to remember our young love so many years ago!

Hope you have a wonderful day full of love....with people that you love the most!
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Sunday, January 23, 2011

After 2 years.........

.......she's done! Yea for middle child!!!! This quilt is made up of blocks from 2 different BOM's. The green/purple were from 2010 and the peachy color blocks were finished in 2009. Middle child has several blocks that she didn't like so she decided to combine them all together....whether she liked the color scheme or not she was going to make it all work. Don't we get like that sometimes where we just want to say we are finished with a project and it doesn't matter anymore?!

I like the end result!

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

New Year...New BOM!

Last Saturday I attended our LQS's kick-off for 2011's Block of the Month. This year there will be 3 quilts we can make. We can make the pieced quilt in either the soft colors that are shown on the left or the bright "watermelon" color quilt. The appliqued quilt is shown in the center. The first block is the house and will take 2 months to complete. The tree will be made another month. Middle child and I decided that we will make the watermelon and the appliqued quilt this year. As long as we bring back one of the block's finished, we will get the next month's pattern/fabric free. You can't beat that! If you make two or three, you pay $6/month for each BOM. Still a bargain! I'm excited to get going on them!

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Thursday, January 6, 2011

The reaction

Okay so if I am being honest....the lil' man's reaction is probably more for the toy trucks than the quilt but I had to share.

Now on to other quilty things. This year, along with many other bloggers, I am going to try to use use up what I already have. I have several quilt kits that I have bought from years pass that are just taking up space. I hope to make several of them in 2011. I have time today to go through my stash and pick one of those kits to start working on. I hope this won't be too hard of a resolution for me to keep!
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Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Today's the day!

The lil' guy is 4 today! Here are his gifts from Grammie and Grampie. He came over a few weeks ago---ran into the house and just stopped in his tracks, staring at the design wall. Finally he asked me where the truck blocks were since they weren't on the wall anymore. He will be surprised to see them made into a quilt just for him. Of course I know he will be excited to play with the toy trucks! He is definitely all boy! Happy Birthday lil' man! I am so happy you are in my life!

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Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Excitement is in the air!

The stockings are now hung by the chimney with care.....

Today I am picking up the out of state kids (who am I kidding?!) grandbaby today from the airport! I can hardly wait to see how the lil' princess has grown!

Going to have a houseful this Christmas with all the kids here and I wouldn't want it any other way!

Wishing you a very Merry Christmas and a wonderful New Year from my family to yours!

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