In preparation of the storm that we were (are) going to be getting today, I worked in the garden yesterday. I knew that pumpkins start to shrivel when cold comes and we are suppose to have low temps into next week, so I picked all of them to put in the garage. A few had turned orange but many were still green, as you can see. A friend told me that they will still turn yellow. We will see.
I had lots of red tomatoes but oh so many more green tomatoes. Again, I had to pick them so they wouldn't freeze. I have them in sacks now and in dark closets to try to ripen them just like my friend told me to do. I hope they will turn red. Such a shame to have bag after bag of green tomatoes! I'm just not sure I can eat green spaghetti sauce!
It took all day to clean out the garden. After picking a plant, I would pull it up and get it ready to put into the garbage. I'm not sure what other gardeners do. Do you wait until Spring to clean it up or do you clean it up now, like I tried to do? Remember this is all a first for me.
And the weathermen were right about the cold and the storm that would be moving in today! Can you see the snow? It has been spittin' and rainin' all day today.
It was the best kind of day to finish these up! This is for the D9PS with Jane. Yea for me! I had electricians here all day so I tried to stay in my sewing room to keep out of their way. Perfect time to get these done and mailed.
Here's some different ways to put the blocks back together. I really enjoy these blocks since they are so versatile. Reminds me of a log cabin block.
And here is my finished pile! All cut and ready to be mailed tomorrow! I can hardly wait to get this swap back. Will be fun to see what other aqua and red fabric other ladies found to use!
Now to go check on my potato soup for the evening. I love soup on cold days like today!